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Saturday, 8 October 2011

Snow White - For iPhone review

We review Snow White on iPhone, and interactive pop-up book that gives tech savvy kids something to read, something to listen to, and something to play with.

Ebook reading has soared in popularity recently, despite having been around on our PDA and mobile screens for a good number if years.

Its sudden acceptance is in no small part due to the availability of new releases as digital version alongside the traditional print and paper, but this isn't an easy chestnut to crack when it comes to picture-heavy children's books.

Most every ereader app - and device, for that matter - is happy to dynamically change font sizes for you, which can makers ebooks considerably more accessible to young readers. The images are a different story, though, as formatting them to the many different sizes of screen is an almost impossible job for the developer.

So it's very interesting to see an ebook app that takes a different approach to delivering an experience kids can get on board with. Snow White is admittedly on the fringe of the ebook genre, as it's mostly spoken word, but more than makes up for the easy of storytelling by providing a level of interaction that will definitely keep the young 'uns enthralled.

Presented as a 3D pop-up book, Snow White opens its pages while laid flat on a cleanly textured table. In the background there are a few woodland elements dotted about the place, all just out of focus to add a beautiful depth of field and giving a serene, alluring environment to the reading area.

You can then rotate the camera around the book in any way you want, simply by sliding a finger around on the screen. The story, which has been significantly condensed for the benefit of younger readers, is read aloud as the words are revealed at the bottom of the screen.

Although it might not present much reading practice, the visual cues will still prove useful as the 'wee ones' practice. Visually the pop-up book motif is adhered to quite staunchly, with the characters and scenery appearing as though they're cardboard cut outs. But it also expands on the illusion a little, offering Walls and ceilings where appropriate, that disappear seamlessly when the camera pans behind them.

You can tap at different elements in the book, but their reaction is limited to a single 'boing' noise and small flexing animation. This feels like something of a wasted opportunity, as the beautiful visuals make you want to reach out and touch them; some form of story-based event would add significant, yet simple, depth to the experience.

Similarly, Snow White is a bit lacking in other options. For example, it would nice to be able to turn the voice off (though not the sound effects or ambient woodland noise, ruling out muting the iPhone), and a lack of multitasking support means the book always reverts to the same page if you shrink the app. It's not a long book, and you can select pages directly from an index page, but a phone call or other interruption is enough to lose your page.

A little more attention to the smaller details would make Snow White a superb way to introduce ebook reading to children, and even despite its shortcomings it still delivers a great experience that kids are sure to insist on repeating every night before bed.



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