Adding support for a second CPU to a Suse Linux Enterprise Edition requires upgrading the Kernel. The kernel is the part of the operating system that deals with the low-level interaction with the hardware.
Here are the steps:
1). Turn the computer on after having upgraded the hardware configuration to a dual core or a dual processor.
2). Open your browser and log in to your Novell account. Where XXXX is the kernel version, navigate to the "Kernel" section and download the latest "kernel-smpXXXX.rpm" if you are using less than 64GB or RAM or "Kernel-bigsmpXXXX.rpm" if you are using more than 64GB of RAM.
3). Download the "kernel-symsXXXX.rpm" file.
4). Press "CTRL + ALT + F1" log in as administrator on the system.
5). Type "rpm -Fvh kernel-symsXXXX.rpm kernel-smpXXXX.rpm" or "rpm -Fvh kernel-symsXXXX.rpm kernel-bigsmpXXXX.rpm."
6). Type "lilo" to reconfigure the boot loader and type "shutdown -r now" to reboot the computer with the new kernel.
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